Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Feeling Of Emptiness

Many of us are floating within our conscience where we get sucked into the black hole called the feeling of emptiness. Everything seems dark; the feeling of loneliness starts to haunt us. Even if we can see the light, some of us are too scared to chase it thinking that it will lead us nowhere. This fear cages us in this feeling of emptiness; and, there's nothing wrong with that. Instead of being afraid of who we are, why don't we just try to get familiar with our empty surrounding. It is believed that love is what we need to fill this emptiness, but love from whom exactly? Why does it have to be someone else who will fill our emptiness?

Maybe the black hole we're in is not what we see, maybe it is our own delusional conscience in the end. And, to make it worse, we start depending on the artificial emptiness fillers such as comfort foods, drugs, sex, temporary fun activities , attention seeking behaviors, etc., just to get slapped in the face with our delusional conscience every time we lie down on our bed.

It all starts with acceptance of the reality of who we are. It is we who chose to go into this black hole of delusional conscience just to end up looking for artificial emptiness fillers. Love is not everything we need to fill this emptiness. There is no point in wait for someone to love us when we just want to abandon ourselves and hide. We must accept who we are; we should love ourselves instead of blaming others for not loving or accepting us when we are not even capable of it ourselves. Filling it with temporary fillers or relying on others for loving us will just make us not feel empty temporarily. It's time to take responsibility for our feelings by accepting the reality. The first step to fill this emptiness is self-acceptance and loving ourselves for who we are. There is no point of self-judgement for what we cannot be; there is no point in wasting time regretting our past. We are who we are at this point and our aim should be to start striving to become a better version of ourselves.

I never thought it will be easy, and I still do not think it is. But there is no point of living a life in illusion; so, we must try to get out of it instead of deceiving ourselves just to give up in the end. 


  1. I have been there, in the dark recess of my mind, surrounded by the blinding darkness. Within the abyss, probing around, trying to find a way out of this never ending maze. The emptiness needs to be filled, and i have had to resort to reading as the so called artificial filler. As long as this emptiness do not fill out, as long as there is a spark of light, you can always grab on and let it spread. And one day it will seem better than writhing within once own conscience, like the sun that reigns after the darkness. Kudos.

  2. Wow, this looks too good to be a comment. Thank you. :)

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    1. :) liked your rambling

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  4. Wow!! I Liked it. the way u discribe its nice and meaningful. U should continue with your writing cz ur writing proves that u have the potential to become an author. All the best
